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(10:22:34 AM) Theresa: hoooray for beer

Guy wins beer for life

YORK, Va., Feb. 27 (UPI) — A York, Va., man named the nation’s top beer fan by a Colorado-based brewery has been awarded a lifetime supply of his favorite beverage.

Matt Venzke, who was named the winner of the “12th Annual Search for America’s Ultimate Beer Fiend,” which was carried out via a series of question-and-answer sessions with contestants, won “free beer for life” from Wynkoop Brewing Co., as well as a $250 beer tab at his favorite bar and the chance to design his own custom-brew alongside the company’s top brewer, the Newport News (Va.) Daily Press reported Wednesday.

Venzke explained that his new found title was not based on the quantity of beer he drinks, but rather on the variety of brews he enjoys and his level of fandom.

“It’s not about drinking high quantities of beer, it’s about enjoying the diversities of beer,” Venzke said.

Wynkoop said Venzke was chosen for his “humor” as well as “a combination of impressive beer drinking experiences … and beer ambassadorship.”

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