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Bride of Pinbot is nicely lit thanks to the arcade forums and my ignorance


Now that the pinball machines are down in the man cave they have been getting lots of love. I have had them for about 10 years and recently they have not seen much play. Now I am babying them and wanted to fix an issue I had with the lower playfield general illumination not working. Headed over to the arcade forums to get some beginners help.

I had traced the wired to where they are on the main board and got a digital multimeter to do some testing. Well I do not know how to use one of those so I asked and got some tips. Then they helped me narrow down my issue. After wasting their time it all came down to a blown fuse. (smacks forehead) But there is some obvious damage and there is a reason the fuse blew so i need to do some more work on it for sure, but it looks awesome. I am planning on doing a playfield strip down to clean and polish everything including LED lighting so I will never have to do that again. It is going to be awesome.

And it also seems like I will be buying a cool arcade game from a friend he desperately wants to get rid of. Escape from the planet of the robot monsters. The plan is to play it for a while and then carefully remove the guts of it and turn it into a MAME cabinet. Will see what happens, but I am pretty darn excited.


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