Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



:( …….. :)


Visited the vet today to find out what really is wrong with Maggie. Xrays showed a huge spleen and severe cancer in her lungs. Dr said she has 15 – 20 % lung capacity now. There is no treatment option. We acquired Maggie from a roommate long ago and she has always been the sweetest little thing. Always skittish and sad 🙁 She took a motherly role to our passed dog Cloe and never warmed up to Fuggles or Thunky. She is not eating much now, but finally gets human food. We have her on pain pills and hope to have a few more days with her. When the time comes we will have our vet come to our house. It is good to know what is wrong with her. We feel better knowing why she is going away. We are ready, but still sad.

So that pic above…. Theresa has had her bed on the floor for a while to make it easier for Maggie to get into the bed at night. She does not have the strength to jump up anymore, so Theresa wanted just the mattress for now so Maggie can still get to her fave spot. Thunky is having a blast climbing up the side of the box spring to his new perch. We have never seen him climb like that.

Soooooo.. the good news is that we got our car back after 3 freezing weeks in the truck. We ended up getting a used engine with only 43K miles on it. It is so warm. We did a bunch of shopping and had the heat full blast the whole time. Was like a sauna. The whole situation was pretty messed up, and the shop took a hit because of it all. Still they did what is right and we are happy to have the car back. The drive to work tomorrow is going to be absolutely amazing and for some strange reason I am looking forward to going to work 😉

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