Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



take care of your teef peeps


Tried to make a toofy star. maybe if I black marker around the mouth?

I skipped dental insurance and visits for 4 or so years. Had some pain and figured it was a cavity. Decided to go to a new place and Coddington dental had just built a new place near me so I went there.

The first visit was your normal once over. The cavity I thought I had was a cracked molar, periodontal issues, a couple more cavities, and more cracked molars was a bit shocking. They decided it would be best to start on the periodontal cleanings and move to the cracked molar. Well that molar could not wait and I had an emergency root canal. That pain was insane before I got it fixed. both periodontal cleanings and a partial root canal done, and my insurance limit has been hit. I still got the 2nd half of the root canal and a crown to go. Applied for credit to keep going. Was not going to put it on a card or home equity loan 😉

I am very happy I am sticking with it though. It has been years since I have been able to eat on the right side of my mouth and not bled from flossing. I floss and brush so well now. i actually look forward to it. The insurance renews in July and then I will get at least another crown. I am excited. It will be like having a used honda in my mouth and I am going to keep it nice and purdy.

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