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Tradescantia zebrina is strong this year in our yard



Often called a wandering jew plant, the Tradescantia zebrina has been our favorite ground cover for years. We start early in the season by making tons of cuttings and then just populate like crazy covering ground out front. We did the tree ring this year as well.

It it the uber weed. You can just toss a cutting on the ground and it will take. It spreads so well and is absolutely stunning in its color. The more sun it gets the brighter the colors. We did pretty darn well this year and it filled in amazingly.


Above is Jerry, a silver falls. It has grown to 10 feet now. Simply amazing. It sucks water like crazy. These are not good by reproducing via cuttings, but all from seed. We picked it up from Urban Trails Gardens and nurtured it all season long. Our longest yet.

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