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A-holes break into all feline hospital, steal money, and set cats free. 4 missing.


I am still a dog person darnit, but this is a real bummer.

Someone broke into the All Feline Hospital, stole a small amount of cash and opened all the cages overnight Monday.

Officer Katie Flood said at 4:40 a.m. Tuesday an employee came to work and saw glass by the front door, then realized someone broke the door to get inside.

Flood said $50 in cash had been taken, along with $20 in a donation jar meant for the Cat House. The thief opened all the cats’ cages, too.

She said all of the cats had been accounted for except four — two kittens belonging to a client and two to the animal hospital. The kittens had just had surgery Monday.

That is uber lame. although a comment cracked me up big time

” Nine comments as I read this, and nobody has thought to describe the culprit as a “cat burglar?” “

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