Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



I got the schlitz

Apparently Schlitz is back. Not really news to me since I have been buying it off and on for months now. But nice to see they are back to the old recipe. Seems they had some issues before.

With demand high, the new owners wanted to make more, so they shortened the fermenting process. And they let customers know it through heavy marketing. There also were quality control issues for barley, so the beer went flat quickly. Customers associated the flatness with the quickened brewing time, and they weren’t pleased. To fix the flatness problem, the brewers added a seaweed extract to give the beer some foam and fizz. But after sitting on the shelf for three or four months, the extract turned into a solid, meaning drinkers got chunky mouthfuls.

And then, the biggest of errors.

“They decided not to pull their product off the shelf,” Jurgensen said. “They decided to weather the storm and sell that product. That’s the worst possible mistake they could have made.”

Floaters? Flat beer? It was all too much for drinkers to swallow.

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