Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



back in the zone

So got me butt out on a TNMWCR last night. Was awesome to ride with them again. It has been 6 weeks that I have not ridden the park or with other people. Steady clip carving the corners, felt awesome.

Then It happened, I got back into “the zone”. You just pedalin along watching the trail, keeping a good line and the mind starts to wonder. Santorum is such a douche, I bet bacon would make a nice breakfast cereal, does Fred Phelps wear boxers or briefs………… OK that broke me out of the zone, how long was I in it, oh about 5 minutes at least. 5 minutes of just letting my paying attention to the trail go on automatic. It just feels so good to be rollin in the park again.

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