Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



Best lawn in the neighborhood messed up and Dorthy Lynch not so good on a blackened chicken salad

On the way home last night I passed by the house that had the driveby last year and a guy in a black SUV was arguing and throwing gang signs. The gangsta in the house and his lady friend were threatening to release their pitbull with the huge metal chain (not kidding). After a few minutes the guy got in the SUV, jumped the curb onto Mike Combs irrigation (nicest lawn in the whole neighborhood BTW), and he tried to run the folks over. I wanted to call the cops, which are headquartered a few blocks away, but it was mostly an argument and I really did not want to be involved.

And tonight is the uber pasta sauce challenge. I am going to try and recreate one of those uber rich white sauces. I had to get Theresa to agree to a salad before and after this meal cuz it is going to be killer.

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