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Ricky Hollywood?


Levi Johnston Goes Hollywood

Levi Johnston, noted Palin daughter-nailer, has hired Tank Jones, “a size-58 suit-wearing black man,” to manage his career and be his bodyguard. He’s also developed an alter ego to help him destroy his Wasilla-ness and fully embrace douchedom—”Ricky Hollywood.”

You just knew this was coming, right? Sooner or later you just knew that the sweet and hopelessly ignorant kid from the Alaskan tundra who just wanted to float aimlessly through life hunting, fishing, playing hockey and banging chicks, would have his life destroyed by the sudden fame that came with having knocked up the daughter of the most ridiculous American public figure in the history of ridiculous American public figures. So very sad.

The forum has come up with a bunch of names he should of chosen instead.

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