Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



Arcade Machine: I am so building one of these for the man cave

Shawn sent me a link to this arcade machine he built and there is no way I am not building one of these. That is simply awesome. A PC and CRT monitor inside the cabinet and full on awesome on the outside. Will fit in very nicely by the pinball machines. Check his site out to see how he built it.

Guess I should give you an update on this whole man cave. More of a geek cave and get all your crap in one area cave. We have started cleaning the basement which was really really bad and a dumping ground for tons of crap. Like so much crap it was scary, seriously. We have already made trips to the dump and filled our two garbage cans bunches of times and now have two rooms clean and one to go. Then build mega shelving on all sides of one of the rooms to store stuff and the biggest room downstairs will have all my fun stuff in it. Pin*Bot and Bride of Pin*Bot, my keg fridge (currently in garage), the treadmill, all my beer signage, and maybe the bikes. Going to paint it dark purple. Not sure if it will become my computer room though. Getting all that crap in one area will allow us to paint our dining room and maybe rearrange our upstairs. We hope to be done with that this year.

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