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My mega order of MAME bits showed up. I am converting an arcade cabinet to a multi machine that runs off of a computer and still uses the arcade monitor. It will be some time till it is done, but I am going to be busy working on it for hours and hours. I got […]

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Cliffy Protectors installed

They are very well made and very thin pieces of stainless. I had to bend them just a little bit to get them to sit snug on my ramps, but it seems that is mostly from where the holes were drilled in the plastic ramps, and not the fault of the protectors. I really did […]

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I went out and bought an angle thinger to get the proper slope on my playfield. Andrew was all get an app for that and I was all like pffffffft whatever. But he was right. The iphone app is insanely accurate. It is almost spooky.

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See the metal sides on the ramp. A guy who is awesome makes ramp and usual pinball wear area protectors out of stainless and what a great idea his business is. I am paying for 4 pieces and could not be happier. The left launch ramp on my BOP is cracked in multiple pieces and […]

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This is a really well made vid. Game looks beautiful too. It is just amazing how many parts are in a pinball machine. Via Silverball restorations

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I have been wanting to do a complete flipper overhaul on both machines for a long time. I figured it would make a huge difference and the flippers were a bit wonky. You can purchase rebuild kits that have all you need and I did, but the kit for pinbot did not have coil sleeves […]

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I am a little obsessed with pinball. You might have noticed. This is not some passing fad for me. As a kid I grew up with a Star Explorer pinball in my basement. It is a really simple one you could buy at Sears, but I played the heck out of it. We also had […]

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My pledge: a pic in every post, at least 5 posts a day (cept weekends), and free tiny american flags ($39.95 S&H). Seriously yall, register up and add some stupid / cool stuff here. This is a community, join into it, comment a few times and I will make you an author.

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