Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |

CAT | internets

LJS article The site Theresa built that program and it went live a few days ago. Now that it is in the news I can let you know about it. So now I guess I need to work on getting a minor traffic infraction so I can test the sucka out.

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wilty submit FTW

Jschwa of FBI submits in some strange messed up way to make me LOL since he is a poster and could of done it his damn self, but the awesomeness prevails. I mentioned it yesterday, but I so fricking luv ya wiltenheimer. Huggles. If you want that shirt here Wanna send something for me to […]

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one of vids I made in wilderness a while back. Contains no naked dudes, swears Fark link which links to article Sando Dshaw Hamilton, 2415 S. 9th St., was arrested and jailed Wednesday night on suspicion of making a false statement to police and indecent exposure, said Officer Katie Flood. Hamilton was seen naked in […]

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eternal moonwalk

It just keeps going and going. Seems only 1 in every 30 actually do it correctly though. Eternal Moonwalk

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mmmm… tacobellini, fancy fast food

Site takes fast food and makes fancy stuff with it

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woot offfffff


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The internets are all a buzz about this. This site is devoted to the issue. Since the intertubes are populated with nothing but charitable, benevolent souls, a website run by such people called College Humor decided they should help us pick the best design! How helpful! But of course the internet is actually more like […]

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The Daily Show With Jon Stewart M – Th 11p / 10c Daily/Colbert – Keyboard Cat Daily Show Full Episodes Economic Crisis Political Humor

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