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CAT | Lincoln bacon quest

I have tried their slab bacon before and was not too impressed. It seems it is not cured or smoked long enough. The flavor is not very intense. The peppered bacon was a bit better though. The black pepper added a bunch of flavor. I sliced it pretty thin and cooked the whole slab up. […]

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Their site So Steve you said you were gonna find the best bacon in Lincoln, did you give up? ummmmmm no, I am just currently overloaded with bacon. Seriously there is enough bacon in my freezer right now to kill a healthy man. Also I am a bit concerned about my current weight so I […]

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make your own bacon placemat So on the bacon front. I have still not gone out and done much on the Lincoln bacon quest. One can only eat so much bacon (hangs head in shame for even typing that). But I promise I will not let you guys down.

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So I think it was cornfused or another poster / commenter that suggested Super Saver slab bacon. I picked some up at our favorite location and was severely unimpressed. It just did not have the proper cure or smokiness that makes killer bacon. I made one batch and could not finish it. Seriously I threw […]

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