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CAT | pc/linux



I feel a bit manly now

Ubuntu Linux on the left 2 and Sun Solaris on the right.

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look mom no wires part 2

So I decided to upgrade to the newest ubuntu on the lappy and something really strange happened. My internal wireless light went from red to beautiful blue. They finally worked my laptops wireless into the kernel. It is only G and I have been thinking about getting a N router so I might still use […]

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the john deertones

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Seriously I am beyond excited. This is my absolute favorite game. Portal is awesome. I have prob played 12 hours worth in the last month. Love it. Portal prelude is, well a prelude to portal. Is happens before GlaDOS and is much longer than the orig. go here for more info download from me iffin […]

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Virtualization Girl !!!

So I was watching a video from EMC about virtualization and saw this video on the side. I deal with VMware at work and it is kinda my thing. Although it has never been as exciting as this 😉

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I win :p

So I got a new DVD burner for my home PC a week ago. The old one literally was used to death. I had to pop the tray out with a paperclip. New one is much faster and opens when I push the button 🙂 I have a second plain DVD drive (no burner) which […]

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Road signs can’t point out town’s free WiFi LOUISVILLE, Neb. – A small town’s plans to become an on-ramp to the information superhighway have run into a roadblock with the Nebraska Department of Roads. Click to Enlarge A traveler with a laptop or an Internet-enabled cell phone can park along Main Street, sit in the […]

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Cali Tip – Gmail Filters

Cali Tip – Gmail Filters from Cali Lewis on Vimeo.

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