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CAT | Regular News

via A piglet in Croatia born with six legs and two penises has been nicknamed Octopig by his owner. The farmer, Ivica Seic from the village of Vrpolje, said Octopig also has two anuses. He said that the pig was growing so fast that they had decided to keep him as a pet, daily newspaper […]

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Pissed off lady rips mans nut off, and it gets worse She pulled off his left testicle and tried to swallow it, before spitting it out. A friend handed it back to Mr Jones saying: “That’s yours.”

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I am sure you have heard (read) me complain about cats. my neighborhood is overrun with them and it irks me. Good news is some guy bought the cat house and hopefully he will clean it up. The cats get into the attic through a vent via the roof So a study says wind turbines […]

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Dude gets head run over by delivery truck, helmet toast, head fine. Via Sockrider at FFL. He saw the large truck, the kind that usually makes deliveries to offices, coming down Eastwood, preparing to make a right turn onto Division Street. Lipscomb said he could tell the truck wasn’t going to stop. So Lipscomb slammed […]

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article here But somebody doesn’t agree. And that somebody complained to the state. Now, the South Dakota Division of Motor Vehicles is trying to recall the plates — which read MPEACHW. And if Moriah doesn’t turn them in voluntarily, the state might send law-enforcement officers to pick them up. Even so, she’s not immediately inclined […]

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wetshaving, me likey

So As most men I shave on a daily basis cept weekends. How about making it fun and not a chore? How about getting a shave so fricking awesome that you cannot use your face to scratch your arm? How about a shave so good that it lasts all day and is kinda fun to […]

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via LESBIANS are twice as likely as heterosexual women to be overweight or obese, which puts them at greater risk for obesity-related health problems and death, US researchers said. The report, published in the American Journal of Public Health, is one of the first large studies to look at obesity among lesbians. Ulrike Boehmer of […]

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darn bunnies get out of my way

from here BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) – Five thousand rabbits blocked a Hungarian highway Monday after the truck that was carrying them crashed. The animals came free after the truck collided with another vehicle and overturned, police officials said. The M1 highway—the main road connection between the capitals of Hungary and Austria—was expected to be closed […]

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