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Colbert’s cast on ebay you can smell the truth

ebay auction

I found it when it had 18 bids and was at $3k or so. Within a few seconds it was over $50k

Throughout the recovery, Stephen received support from friends in government and the media, who rallied behind him with cast signatures and heartfelt get-well-soons. Cast signers include: Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of New York; CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric; Bill O’Reilly, host of FOX’s The O’Reilly Factor; Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of U.S. House of Representatives; Tim Russert, host of NBC’s Meet The Press; Tony Snow, White House Press Secretary; and NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams.

EDIT: hmmmmm seems they reset the auction or something. It was at $75k last time I checked.

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