Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



darn midgets

So there have been some letters to the editor about the problem with the midge issue at capitol beach. Here and here

The comments include a few that made me laugh.

Jay wrote on June 14, 2007 8:30 am:
” I really take offense to everyone trying to “control” the midges in the area. They might be small, but they are people like everyone else. Do the citizens of this city really tolerate prejudice like this? Whats next, kick out all of the tall people? “

hilarious wrote on June 11, 2007 8:34 am:
” Midgets are society contributors just like anyone else and most of all they are people with feelings just like you and me. Sounds like you are enjoying the great outdoors to it’s fullest extent. Or maybe we should chemically kill off nature so you can enjoy it. Perhaps one of the funniest and saddest letters I’ve ever read. 🙂 “

I am so gonna go out there and check it out.

Edit: it is getting pretty good over there

” Midges are a bunch of little ladies with 50’s-60’s hairdos who are apparently running around pushing all the areas homeowners hands intos bowls of palmolive dishwashing liquid and shrieking, “Your soaking in it!” I imagine that would be annoying. “

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