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Dupont’s Self-Charging Smoke Alarm

Got a three pack from woot at a killer price and really did not understand the self charging bit. I have wanted to get more smoke alarms for the house, mostly as Xmas gifts for Theresa when I was running low on ideas but, figured that was as lame as gifting her a chainsaw.

The self charging refers to the fact that you do not need to replace batteries in them. 2 Hours a week of turning on the light will keep the smoke alarm fully charged for a 30 day stretch. Really neat idea.

Very happy to have three more smoke alarms in the house. When they arrived they beeped every minute while charging because they were so drained from not being used. That freaked Maggie our most scared dog the F out. She was shivvering and we had to go on walkies to avoid the 15 minutes it warns and to calme her down a bit. She made dookies near and old car, as usual for every walk which I had to carry in a bag for 6 bvlocks till we got home. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Good idea for a product. Woot was around $20 for a three pack, but they cost $30 new. Still a good product though.

The bummer is that most folks lights are not exposed bulbs, still a killer idea.

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