Extreme Beerfest in Omaha tomorrow this could be my last post evar
6 Comments · Posted by beerorkid in beer
Saturday, February 23, 2008, 4:00-8:00pm:
Extreme Beerfest!
Come sample some of the most extreme beers the world has to offer!
Doppelbocks, Barleywines, Belgian Dubbels, Tripels and Quads, plus many more unusual styles.
All beers above 7% ABV!
Your ticket gets you a souvenir tasting glass, program & 4 hours of sampling.
Brewery and distributor reps will be onsite to answer your questions.
Nearly 60 Extreme Beers to be sampled at all three bars on site.
So a few car loads of us are headed up there early for some eating and beer drinking before the beerfest. We do have a place to stay if need be. I am going to staple my pants on just in case. The event is sold out so I bet it is gonna be a bit crazy. Partial list of all the beers below
Lakefront Big Easy
North Coast Old Rasputin
Samuel Adams Double Bock
Summit Maibock
Goose Island BC Stout
Goose Island Pere Jacques
Goose Island Matilda
Mac Queen’s Nessie
Doppelbock Dunkel
Urbock 23
La Fin Du Monde
Trios Pistoles
Don de Deiu
La Terrible
Unibroue 16/17
Boulevard Smokestack Series (Debuting here at the Extreme Beerfest!!!!!)
*Long Strange Triple
*Double Wide IPA
*Sixth Glass
Gouden Carolus Ambrio
Gouden Carolus Classic
Gouden Carolus Triple
Delirium Tremens
Delirium Nocturnum
New Belgium Abbey
New Belgium Triple
EKU 28
Kulmbacher Eisbock
Carlsberg Elephant
Aecht Schlenkerla Urbock
Old Engine Oil Special Reserve
Aventinus Eisbock
Okocim Porter
Samuel Smith Imperial Stout
Odell IPA
Odell Imperial Stout
Breckenridge 471 ESB
Breckenridge 471 IPA
Gonzo Porter
Horn Dog
Double Dog
Old Foghorn
Smoked Goosinator
St. Bern 12
St. Bern 8
St. Bern Triple
Great Divide Yeti
Great Divide Oak Yeti
Great Divide Hercules
Great Divide Old Ruffian
HeBrew Jewbelation
HeBrew Origin Ale
Mojo Risin’
Tommy Imperial Nutbrown
Imperial Princess Porter – Gottberg
Scotch Ale – Nebraska
Belgian Blonde – Nebraska
Batch 1000 – Upstream
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