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Fave vape stuff: The Vapor Chef


Quick little update. Theresa and are are both over 5 weeks tobacco free and loving it. We both are enjoying vaping as well. I figured I would make some posts about our favorite products and online retailers.

The Vapor Chef is a well known premium E-Juice creator on E-cig forum and Reddit, and for good reason. He makes darn quality juices, ships fast, and makes it fun. He does not mess around with tons of flavors and makes sure the flavors he creates are unique, complex, and not generic. Opening the box is fun because you never know what little extra might be in there. Heck even the packaging is quality. Glass dropper bottles for the bigger sizes, bottles individually wrapped in bubble wrap bags and zip lock bags if for some reason they leak.

Above is the results of my third order (minus my personal vaporizer). Finally went with the big bottle of the Schmecto Schmooler, which is a version of the Ecto Cooler Hi-C drink back in the Ghostbuster days. A mix of tangerine, orange, lemonade, and magic from what I can tell. I love the stuff and it is my all day vape. Blue jazzberry is new to me and does taste like blue raspberry candy. The army man is a toy included with the order, but it transformes into something awesome if you order Unicorn Juice 🙂 With decent orders he will throw in a sample. I sheepishly asked for a sample of one of his new line of Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy themed tobacco juice and he sent along some Slartibartfast which I cannot wait to try.

The vapor chef is just a darn good juice vendor and I highly recommend them.

UPDATE: The Slartibartfast is phenominal. I never really smoked tobacco, let alone pipe tobacco, but always loved the smell. I have tried a couple tobacco juices and well none even compare to Slarty from TVC.

A cherry cavendish tobacco. A complex tobacco, notes of oak and cherry with a slight hint of vanilla. This tastes like the tobacco shops I used to walk into as a child with my father. The smell of the fresh cherry pipe tobacco right when they opened that big glass jar to scoop some into a bag. That’s what this tastes like.

It is just like described. I tested it out in a carto and it earned a carto tank easily. I will cherish the bit I have left until I order more for sure. WOW

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