Found a part of the porta potty that got sucked up by a tornado and watched a rocket go 1300 MPH and 14,000 feet into the air
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The launch site got hit by a tornado and it threw the porta potty over a half mile away. While helping a guy get his rocket back after a launch I found the urinal part. I threw it in the pile of porta potty leavings next to the new porta potty after giving up on how to jam a motor in it.
So I was witness to this sucker launching. That is $300 and 13 pounds of rocket motor. It burnt in under 2 seconds and it went 14,000 feet at 1300 MPH At about 5 minutes after launch it was still a mile up but we could finally see it. In forking sane.
Listen to the thump it makes when it lifts off (:40 seconds). I could feel it hit me like a wave. No video can ever in any way let you know what it is like to experience being near one of those going off. It was redonk to the max or whatever kids say these days. Just insane. So insane.
I have more pics and vids to post from the launch this weekend, but need a nap.
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