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got some major tree issues out at wilderness

Rosina sent out a call for help to make wilderness ridable again.

Hi folks,

We are needing some serious help here in Lincoln at Wilderness Park.
Sat or Sun 9-noon will really help this coming weekend June 31 or July 1.
Long pants are a must, due to the nettles and then there are the

Mother Nature took a dump, the creek washed a lot of dead wood into
the trail and then there are the blow downs. Karl and I have been
working every weekend for the last month and just aren’t making
a dent. If a crew could come together that will make an impact.

When I know how many are able to help, I can assign an area.

Hand Tools and a chain saw are helpful.

Kit called this past weekend wanting to borrow my chainsaw and trimmer. Loaded up the truck and headed over for a yard work session. Kit ran and bought me a new chain which made the cutting a bit easier. Cutting trees is a blast. I will be out in wilderness this weekend for sure.

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