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ham hash extravaganza to the EXTREEME


A couple weeks ago I finally remembered to mention ham steaks to Theresa as a new meat to work into our meal rotation. It has been in my head from Split Lip Rayfield singing about how many biscuits can you eat this morning? 49 and a ham of meat of course. We picked up a Cooks ham steak from our new top secret Russeses grocery with a box of scalloped potatoes. We are working on simpler meals for weekdays and I do not have to make everything from scratch I have realized. The ham steaks have been a hit and we only made it through 1/2 of one Tues night and I suggested making a hash with the ham leavings and Theresa agreed.


I used the mandoline of death to dice the potatoes really small. Cooked the bacon, wiped the skillet, threw the potatoes in there with some clarified butter and veg oil and started browning them. Onions were added about 5 minutes later, then the pepper, bacon, and ham. A bit of salad and garlic bread and that was one tasty meal in under 30 minutes. take that TV lady who makes sex sounds when she eats.

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