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hey skippy I need some advice in a jiffy


K our puppies love peanut butter filled kongs. First they get a treat, but we get some free time without them bugging us and makes us leaving them alone all the easier when they are distracted.

We get the bulk PB and microwave it and pour it into zip lock bags which we snip the end off of and makes filling the kongs purdy easy. Well we are looking to simplify it a bit more. you got any ideas? I looked at a jerkey gun, cookie gun, and possibly a pastry bag. Thinking geting a bunch of them squeezy ketchup bottles that stand on their lids to keep the PB at the spigot. Does anyone know of like a caulk gun that you can prefull bunches of tubes or something? One thing to note is that once we liquify the PB it is runnier after that, so it will not ba as thick as you would think.

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