Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



I headed down to the salt creek to see what it looked like


Yeah it was up and flowing really fast. But, it was nothing like I have seen in the past. One huge storm after a few did not put us in danger. You can see the damage from the previous weeks water that flattened all the grass. It apparently got pretty close. (Not in this pic, but in the daylight)

I have to have flood insurance where I live. A video on PBS, which I will upload I swear, had the guy standing on the levee a few blocks down saying when Lincoln floods it will be here. Joy 🙁

The real bummer is the underpass that is really nice and decorated by a local artist is completely flooded. It has been for a week or so. I need a snorkel to get down there and clear the drain. It was at least 3.75 -4 feet deep. It almost touched the light.


Our houses around here are all built up on higher ground (and mine is 107 years old), but I really fear if the water rose 60 more inches we would be hosed. A neighbor had some sewer work done and found the original sidewalk almost a foot below the current level. sigh….

Good news is that my recent edging work kept my section of sidewalk the least pool like on the block. I rule 😉

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