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I have attempted some marinades before. Mostly just basil, parsley, oil, wine, garlic, salt and pepper. We tried some lemon chicken a few times but it gets too intense. For the heck of it we picked up a bottle of citrus peppercorn marinade and it was pretty good. I looked at the ingredients and saw vinegar in there. Kind of forgot about that.

So it was off to try and recreate the store bought stuff. I used an orange for the citrus thinking it might be a bit less powerful than lemon. A bit of the zest and juice with wine vinegar, olive oil, salt, pepper, and cayenne. It was not too bad, but the orange really stood out.

Anyone have any suggestions or ones they like. Mostly for chicken, maybe pork. I think our biggest problem is neither of us really think using mustard will be good. maybe just a touch.


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