My waistline cannot take any more, the results of Lincoln Bacon Quest
1 Comment · Posted by beerorkid in bacon, Lincoln bacon quest
Went back and looked through my Lincoln bacon posts and well it was kinda lame, not much to pick from really. Many of the brands I tried were your normal mass produced water brined bacon (vid of what that is here). Only a few easy for anyone to get bacons were checked out.
1st place Apple wood smoked bacon from Ideal
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So smoky and not water cured. I do not know where it comes from, but I bet it is heaven.
2nd place * all the local producers that sell their goods online, out of their trucks at farmers markets, and sometimes at specialty grocery stores.
* now this is kinda unfair cuz you really can’t get this goodness year round. Also it would be #1, but since it can be hard to get I moved it to second.
Nothing compares to the care, flavor, smokiness, and quality that these local folks produce.
Pleasant Hill farms
Pleasant hills farm’s bacon part 2
Frank’s smokehouse
Harvest Valley Foods
Hollenbeck Farms
3rd place Burger’s smokehouse pepper bacon
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4th place bacon from friends and family (free )
Jake hooked me up, and my brother has kicked down a few times, and my parent in-laws got me hooked on farmers market bacon.
5th place ……. Meh in a pinch bacon is bacon. I tried a bunch of different brands of mass produced bacon and never really found one that shocked me. But it sure was fun tasting all the different brands.
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