Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



oh hi. I at epley with $3.95 wifi


Well it looks like I will be spending some time in vegas. Might get to meet Heidi Fleis at her laundromat, serious. My friend was wondering if he was gonna bring his puppy back and well he is. So we getting a dog friendly hotel for our 5 hours of vegas. He was friends with Heidi so we might swing by and say hi. No dude ranch yet 🙁 , which is a good thing 😉

Picked up a car cig adapter with a USB connection and that will keep the ipods and phone alive during the trip. Not sure where I will get internets, but will post crap as I can.

Theresa got her braces today and it was not too painful. She is adjusting and I think she looks cute as hell.


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