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Omaha man saves own life with at-home tracheotomy

WOW article

An Omaha man struggling to breath used a steak knife to perform an at-home tracheotomy.

Steve Wilder says he thought he was going to die when he awoke one night last week and couldn’t breath.

Wilder says he didn’t call 911 because he didn’t think help would arrive in time. So, the 55-year-old says, he got a steak knife from the kitchen and made a small hole in his throat, allowing air to gush in.

Wilder suffered from throat cancer and related breathing problems several years ago. About that time, he had an episode where he couldn’t breath because his air passages swelled shut. He says that’s what happened this time around.

Doctors don’t expect Wilder to suffer any adverse affects from the tracheotomy once it’s healed.

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