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ooooooooooooooooo lunar eclipse live blogging

9:20 PM CST:
I have just been served a cease and desist from the sun’s political campaign. I have been told if I continue to cover this event FOX security will be called to my humble abode.

Have fun yall.

8:59 PM CST:
the sun has declared victory with only 50% of the results in.
A reporter has actually heard “neeeener neeeener neeener” from the sun’s camp.

8:40 PM CST:
Breaking news says we are going to shoot the moon down to show the commies that even though our military is broken, we give military contractors so much money that they can shoot fricking missles at the moon.


8:32 PM CST:
the sun campaign has reportedly tried to steal pro moon delegates from a rainbow festival in Oregon.


8:23 PM CST:
moon mentions how easy it was for the sun back in school since its parents were superior gods and all the tax benefits they got from their connections to the energy industry.


8:12 PM CST:
Moon denies it looks like a nippleless perky boob to TMZ.

8:05 PM CST:
the sun has been heard saying that the moon would never get noticed if it was not for her. Outrage ensued and she denied any further comment.

8:02 PM CST:
Bill O’Reilly just said the moon should be lynched since it apparently hates our country.


7:54 PM CST:
Webhost agrees to fuck the moon and its agenda

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7:50 PM CST:
activist moon with its barely illuminating agenda seems to be hiding from attacks from the sun.


7:42 PM CST: I have just purchased

We have added to our registration queue.
You will receive an email within 15 minutes when it has been registered. If you don’t receive an email please contact our support team as this may indicate some kind of problem!
Please note that the domain will not work for at least a day or two as DNS propagates.

dammit man there is not time, fuck


7:37 PM CST: reports are coming in that the sun has started a 527 to smear the moon. They are raising money online currently. please go to to donate.

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