Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |


There is nothing that compares to Scott’s Hams pork. They make the best bacon I have ever had. Our hams have been honored with 16 National Championships. Today August 27, 2009 we were honored with the Grand Champion Award for one our entries in the Kentucky State Fair held each year in Louisville. The ham […]

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So this sat I found a propane flamethrower on my porch. I am thinking it might of been Bruce. Thanks And I saw a couple kids tagging the Capitol Parkway columns. I circled the block and saw them running to their car and got the license plate number. Called it in and dispatch seemed to […]

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We watched some food network and both knew what we were having for dinner. Some rocking grilled cheese and tomato soup. Theresa was on soup duty and I was sammich man.

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Billy Browns

I was really anxious to try this place, so we hit it last night after some shopping. It is quite a small place, but the decor is really nice. The kitchen is right out in full view just behind the bar. They did not have tap beer last night, but the lines and taps are […]

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some food stuff

So i was talking to my dad a week or so ago. Telling him about all my food adventures and thanking him for the upright freezer. He said “food is not a hobby” in a way to suggest i am wasting my time making all my own food and could spend my time on other […]

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Was in the area and heard about the mega Hy-Vee out on 84th and decided to check it out. It reminded me of the super duper target where the isles are bigger, but it seems like overkill. Not that big of a fan of walking any further than I have too. My hair dresser mentioned […]

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Black and Tan Irish Mac and Cheddar

Thanks to lfirebrand over on SCS for reminding me of this killer mac and cheese recipe. We watched the episode where Autumn Clements makes this. I did not boil the pasta in beer since I always use at least a gallon of water to boil pasta, but damn this was so fricking rich I doubt […]

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First let me start off with recognizing my bunnypansche Theresa. Theresa is the fricking bomb. She loves to tend to our front yard plants. She let me vent for a good 10 minutes about stressful stuff at work and just nodded along. It felt really good to get it out. I am unnaturally happy most […]

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My pledge: a pic in every post, at least 5 posts a day (cept weekends), and free tiny american flags ($39.95 S&H). Seriously yall, register up and add some stupid / cool stuff here. This is a community, join into it, comment a few times and I will make you an author.

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