Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



pickles and corn



A bit cooler Sunday so we figured it was time. Got 4 dozen from Daniels and ended up with 13 bags. Nothing like amazing sweet corn year round. Daniels has ruined all other corn for us. It is a bit costly and time consuming, but completely worth it.


A friend brought over some of his homemade pickles and I was obsessed with them. We had no choice but to make our own. Once again we got cucumbers from Daniels and researched. Went with Alton Brown’s recipe after watching his good eats vid on them and tweaked it a bit. Found fresh dill at Ideal. We could hardly wait a day and had to test one of the two diff kinds we made and found out they were sweet pickles. (insert long string of profanity here) sweet pickles. Gah. The face Theresa made was scary as heck and she almost spit it out. I cannot imagine what they will taste like in a week. Already gave away two jars to the neighbors and hope to pawn off the other jars to the other neighbors.

SCS Thread here has a lot more cursing, barfing emoticons, and tips from the master who spawned this ordeal. We will try again here in a few days.

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