TMCO the total manufacturing company
No comments · Posted by beerorkid in Lincoln Shops/Food
TMCO is just a few hundred yards from my house. I could crawl there with my tongue I am actually hoping they continue to grow like they have and offer to purchase my land.
My bike buddies work there. Really good peeps. Kit is a powder coating machine, he is gonna be coating my GF sugar front triangle this week. Dan and crew are amazing designers and laser etching machines. Check my hubs. Know that fancy gazebo at the sunken gardens? They made that. The south Mill, Noodles, Runza, and countless others metal work as well.
I spend a lot of time over there. They have great open houses. The whole neighborhood gets filled with cars and a robot pours you a beer and expects a tip.
Iffin you can, try to find them via google. They are currently stuck on the second page if you search for “total manufacturing company”
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