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Today is Theresa’s and Mine 11th month of being tobacco free


I have not done many vape posts recently, but am so happy to announce that Theresa’s brother is over two weeks tobacco free, her mom is over a week tobacco free, and that is just fricking awesome as hell.

Sure we are both pert near a year tobacco free, but that is not what fills us with joy. It is that we have been able to assist so many others to start vaping and give up on tobacco. I can list the numbers of folks that we have at least lit the fire under and those who still look to us for equipment or juice, but it all comes down to them quitting tobacco on their own and we are so glad we were able to assist.

Theresa’s family has been the biggest achievement for us on a personal level. Her mom was celebrating her birthday today as well as a week tobacco free. We could not be prouder of her. We are so happy for her and Theresa’s brother.

Theresa did it up so well support wise for her family. Taking them to places to try juices and providing them with killer kits so they did not have to mess around with the crap vape stuff. Theresa spent a lot of money to make their transition easy as heck and it totally worked so well for them. Having great equipment, guidance, and constant support really makes the transition easier.

If you walk blindly into starting vaping it can be rough with shit juice and equipment that makes it seem not worthy of a try. Those disposables are fun for a test, but you need to go with more power and flavor if you are going to stick with it.

If anyone wants to try vaping or has questions please contact us and we will be there for you.

Kanker Evod kits This is the best

Thanks ROB 😉

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