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Xtreme Xmas Xtravaganza show Sunday the 14th at Duffy’s to raise funds for the food bank backpack program


This is going to be pretty cool. Last year was a bunch of fun. There is a huge thread with lots of info here. Local artists and anyone who wants to make a ornament or decoration donates to the silent auction. There will be a magician, Xmas karaoke, Domestica, and sat in what. Good cause, good tunes, and a good time. Hope to see ya there.

If you can make something to auction off, bid on something, or bring some food.

BackPack Program Wish list:
18 oz. Grape Jelly
18 oz. Peanut Butter
26 oz. Spaghettios
11.5 oz. Juice concentrate (non frozen or refrigerated)
14 or 15 oz. boxes of Cheerios.
18 oz. cans of Fruit
1 pound package of Rice
32 oz. Complete Pancake Mix (just add water)
24 oz. bottles of Syrup
6 oz. cans of Tuna Fish (packed in water)
7.25 oz. Tuna Helper
16 oz. cans of Refried Beans

appox. times
6 pm auction starts
8 pm a very special shithook christmas
9pm auction finishes up . . . . shithook takes a break . . . someone announces winners . . . then shithook rules for a while longer
10 ish . . . . magic . . .fire . . . stuff like that
1030 ish pm domestica rocks hard, snappy comments between j an h and then guitars get thrown all over the stage . . . . carnage ensues
11:30ish pm sat in what . . . . they do their thang!

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